The kitchen is the heart of every home, which is why both layout and functionality is so important. So, if you are planning on renovating your kitchen, it’s crucial that you make informed decisions and carefully consider all aspects of the design and building process.
Luckily, Urban Scene Construction is here to help you design your dream kitchen by providing you with a list of the top kitchen design and renovation mistakes to avoid.
Top Kitchen Layout Design and Renovation Mistakes You NEED to AVOID
The sink, stove, and refrigerator are the three components making any kitchen triangle in shape. This is where most of the kitchen activities take place and that’s why it is crucial to carefully plan unobstructed access to these three elements.
The most common mistake people make is placing the sink in a poor location due to the plumbing. Our suggestion is that if your plumbing isn’t in an ideal position, consider hiring a plumber to relocate the plumbing for optimal sink placement… you don’t want to regret it later!
Now, if you want to avoid one of the most common kitchen mistakes, make sure to consider lighting. Indeed, the kitchen is probably the last room where poor lighting is acceptable, however, surprisingly, poor lighting in kitchens is a lot more common that we would like to think.
What’s more, focusing on getting your lighting right means that all of your design elements will be more prominent. So, if you are gearing up for a house renovations project, make sure you include different types of lighting solutions including; general lighting for the entire room, specific task lighting (preferably above your workstations like under-cabinet lighting), and accent lighting for creating the atmosphere you want.
Choosing the wrong kitchen island can truly affect the functionality of your kitchen. This is because we typically think of kitchen islands as an extra space for storage, preparation, or serving/ eating space. However, a kitchen island can also take up a lot of space when choosing an enormous one or placing it in the wrong spot. Doing so, you’ll end up having an overcluttered kitchen with obstructed access to the kitchen triangle and the main work areas. Thus, make sure to choose an island that is at least 2 feet deep and 4 feet long and ensure people can move and work around it.
Finally, storage is also one of the key elements to consider when renovating your kitchen. As you know, the kitchen needs to accommodate lots of dishes, appliances, spare space and cutlery. For this reason, neglecting to include enough storage space is definitely one of the biggest mistakes you can make when designing your new kitchen.
So, think about installing cabinets above for extra storage space and use the top cabinets/ shelves for storing things or appliances you do not use on a day-to-day basis. Similarly, use the space above the fridge for installing extra cabinets and consider adding floating shelves on your tile backsplash.
As you can see, designing a new kitchen is not an easy task. There are so many aspects you need to consider. To ensure you don’t make any mistakes, just call our friendly team at Urban Scene Construction!
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